Book and bunker town Wünsdorf

Wünsdorf Garrison Museum

The Garrison Museum is housed in a horse stable from the imperial era that has been specially restored for museum purposes and deals with the military use of the area in the period from 1910 to 1945.

Numerous exhibits, documents and records are on display, providing an overview of the military facilities at the time and life in the garrison. The exhibition on the Soviet and Russian occupation from 1945 to 1994 can be found in the neighboring "Red Star" museum. The so-called "concrete cigars", a special type of bunker, can also be visited separately on the grounds.

Book and bunker town Wünsdorf
Book and bunker town Wünsdorf
Book and bunker town Wünsdorf

Opening hours

Beschreibung Öffnungszeiten

April to October
Tue-Sun 10.00 to 17.00

November - March
Tue-Sun 10.00 to 16.00

At weekends and on public holidays during this time, members of the Friends' Association are on site and will be happy to provide information about the exhibits