Dahlewitz Estate Park

Dahlewitz Estate Park

The estate park was lovingly restored until 2011 based on historical models. The aim was also to highlight the valuable habitat functions of the flora and fauna.

The 7.4 hectare park, which was created in the 19th century, belonged to the adjacent manor, which in its current structure dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. However, there is evidence of a manor house in Dahlewitz itself as early as the beginning of the 15th century. According to previous findings, the park itself dates back to the middle of the 19th century. An engraving from 1869 shows the park in its later expansion, but without the ponds and water features. Around 1900, the park was characterized by the Lenné-Meyer school of park design.

After 1945, the park was spared from the division of land as part of the land reform and became municipal property in 1951. Since the end of the 1980s, Dahlewitz residents have been taking care of the park and started the partial restoration with voluntary work, which could be further advanced from the mid-1990s with funding from the district and state. As part of compensation and replacement measures for the construction of Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, extensive measures to restore the estate park in line with historical models were finally carried out between 2009 and 2011. Old visual axes within the park, as well as to the water tower and the surrounding landscape, were restored by clear-cutting. However, a key objective of the restoration as a park was that, in addition to the historical reference and the preservation of the valuable old trees, the structures that have developed in the park to date were also taken up and the special features and valuable habitat functions for the flora and fauna were worked out. The standing and lying deadwood throughout the park is of great importance for the park as a habitat for the protected species that occur here and should be preserved as far as possible. The eastern parts of the park with their extensive woodland growth also remained largely untouched as a habitat for a wide variety of wild animal and bird species.

The park is accessible all year round.


Dahlewitz Estate Park
Dahlewitz Estate Park