Museum of the Teltow

Museum of the Teltow

The landscape of the Teltow was particularly influenced by trade and commerce, industry, large housing estates, traffic and the military of the metropolitan region.

Between the rivers Nuthe, Dahme, Spree and the Baruther Urstromtal, a special cultural landscape has developed - the Teltow. The name can be found both in the name of the district and in elements of the district coat of arms.

The Teltow Museum dedicates its research, collection and exhibition activities to this special history and natural history in the northern part of the Teltow-Fläming district.


Museum of the Teltow
Museum of the Teltow
Museum of the Teltow

Opening hours

Beschreibung Öffnungszeiten

Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4 pm